Jay Koh’s selected CV, education details                                                                                               November 2018


  Doctor of Fine Arts. University of the Arts Helsinki, Academy of Fine Arts 

Born and grow up in Singapore till early adulthood, German citizenship since 1999, identifies himself as a Southeast Asian.

Personal details:

Email contact:    kohjay@gmail.com          FB: ifimajae                        Web: www.ifima.net

Language Proficiency:     English (spoken and written), German (spoken and written), Mandarin (spoken), Cantonese (spoken), Bahasa Melayu, Burmese and Thai (spoken, basic)

Key achievements:

International recognised artist-curator and researcher with a specialised praxis in socially engaged, public participatory and community art. This includes working across disciplines and sectors, research, evaluation  and mentoring activities in the field of communication, mediation and cross-cultural environment.

My praxis is subject of completed and on-going PhD research by

Maryam Rashidi, Interdisciplinary & Cross-Cultural Studies, Research School of Humanities & the Arts, Australian National University, Melbourne,

Wong Laing Ming, Arthur, Division of Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and

Charlotte Andrew, Elam School of Art, Auckland University, New Zealand.

These include other MA theses in courses e.g. Copenhagen Business School’s Business Creative Processes and                      Contemporary Art, Art Theory in Asia, School of Oriental and African Studies, London and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

My art research and activities are referenced in numerous teaching materials  such as of Prof. Grant Kester, University California San Diego, Prof. Suzanne Lacy, Otis College of Art and Design, California and recently over 30 mentioned references according to Academia.edu.

Largest personal curated show Auszeit der Demokratie (Timeout of Democracy), 50,000 cu.metre, Halle Kalk and in various public spaces in Cologne, 1993. Other curated projects, conferences & shows in cities of China, Finalnd, Germany, Ireland, Mongolia, Myanamr, Scotland, Thailand & The Phillippines

Ability to work individually and collaborate with others or team across diverse cultural and political belief systems.

Managed and directed international art spaces, arting in Cologne (1992 – 99), NICA in Yangon ( 2003 – 07) and the platform iFIMA (international Forum for InterMedia Art) since 1995. During these activities, i have as an artist-curator curated large project such as Genopoly (90-93) in Bonn, Cologne and Dueran. These activities include ET in ChiangMai, Thailand (95-96), The Other Xchange, Beijing-Cologne (1999-2000)

Implemented capacity and capabilities building, art resource developmental and educational programme, OPEN Academy, in Hanoi, Hue, Yangon and Ulaanbaatar. (2003 – 11)

Book publication on cross-disciplinary artistic praxis, Art-led Participative Processes: Dialogue and Subjectivity within Performance in the Everyday University of the Arts Helsinki, 2015, 2nd edition by SIRD/Gerakbudaya, Kuala Lumpur 2016, presently writing to meet essay/chapter assignments for various book/journal and on his forthcomng book, Performing Politics: Arts & Society, Myanmar

Participation in Inbetween, the Turkish contribution in the 45th Venice Biennial (1993) and in Bali Kino in Documenta X (1997)


Doctoral of Fine Art studies, cross-disciplinary artistic research and praxis, thesis titled: Art Led Participatory Processes: Subject to Subject Communication within Performances in the Everyday at the University of Arts Helsinki (aka. Academy of Fine Arts), Finland, as the first foreign candidate in the doctoral studies programme. Academic board confirmation in Dec. 2013

Main supervisor:              Prof. Grant Kester, Art History, University of California San Diego, USA

Internal examiners:         Academic Examination Board of University of Arts Helsinki, Finland

External examiners:         Dr. Gillian Whiteley, Loughborough University, UK & Prof. Bruce Barber, NSCAD University, Canada

Accreditated and Informal Teaching activities

Zurich University of the Arts, Master of Advanced Studies, Art & Society, (part-time) Module Supervisor and facilitator for modules on Art_Led Participative Processes, Contexts and the Everyday.

Chiangmai University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Media Arts & Design, Visiting Prof., teaching artistic research, workshops on deliberative, participative and people-centred processes and public participative projects.

Informal art education and development program for MOI land, Dalat, Vietnam (2019 – ongoing)

Created and conducted the informal education program, Open Academy, in Hanoi & Hue (2008), Yangon(2003-7) & Ulaanbaator (2009-11), Funded by FORD Fdn.; Prince Claus Fund, NL; Japan Fdn.; LEE Fdn, Singapore

Research & Projects, selected:

Artist-Curator of Flowing on the Verge of Margins, the public participative art of a cross/inter-diciplinary project a pilot project funded by The British Academy, initiated by the University of West of England, Bristol (Centre for sustainability and  environment) in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Water resources and managment) and international Forum for InterMedia Art. Pilot Phase Jan. - Dec. 2018

Research Fellow of Shifting Dialogues: Research project on Asian performance and fine arts, 2011 – 14, Academy of Finland. Project in Myanmar, Delicate Conversation

Research on Mentoring for Artists working across disciplines, 2008 – 2011, CREATE-Ireland, Arts Council Ireland


Short-term visiting artist/lecturer, giving talks and workshops in selected Tertiary/Cultural Institutions since 1999:

Central School for Speech and Drama, University of London; Department for Environmental Art, University Turku and Tempere Polytechnic Art Academy, Tempere, Finland; Fine Art Dept., University of California San Diego; NCAD, Dublin, MAVIS/IADT, Dublin and GMIT, Galway in Ireland; Cittadella, UNIDEE, Brella, Italy; Nanyang Academy of Fine Art and Singapore Art Museum, Singapore; Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Sunway University College and Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Tokyo University of the Arts (Gedei); School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University; Faculty of Arts & Architecture, King Mongut University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok; School for Arts Management and Cultural Policy, LaSalle College of the Arts, Singapore; School of the Arts, Universiti Sain Malaysia, Penang; LASA Cuba, Havana, Cuba; Zurich University of the Arts and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland; Post-doctoral research cluster, Center of Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon, Lisbon; Sculpture Studio, Glasgow, Scotland; Media Arts & Design, Chiangmai University, Thailand; Heritage Space, Hanoi.


Evaluation activities:

External evaluation on Mediation of Public Art in Dunghaire-Rathdown County, Ireland, 2009

Evaluation of art resource development in South Dublin City County, Dublin, Ireland, 2009

Evaluation of rural community and social art project, X-PO in County Clare, West Ireland, 2007- 8

Evaluation of cultural Heritage in Burma/Myanmar after Cyclon Nargis for Prince Claus Fund, The Netherland, 2008


Peer Reviewer for manuscripts for Cultural Geographies, Journal, SAGE, UK and

Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Provide consultation in Tokyo to ’dislocate’, a cross discipinary project to work with lawyers, social scienctists,             artists and residents to create alternative processes in respond to the values of the dominant sturcture.

Commissioned mentor services in socially engaged and public participatory art prctice from 2007 - 2010 for artists and communities, Common Ground, Dublin, Ireland & MA, Art in Public, University of Ulster, UK.

Commissioned research on best practice for mentorship for artists, cultural workers and communities with CREATE-Ireland & Common Ground, from 2009-2010. Publication of mentorship documentations & DVD

Consultation to education programme for Montesorri based school of Dignity for Children Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015 – ongoing.

Continually research on ecological validation of socially engaged, public participatory & community art practice.


Present Positions and Responsibilities:

Founder and Director of iFIMA - international Forum for InterMedia Art

Consultant and Mentor to 3C project in Bangkok to setup up the Arts, Research & Collaboration station.

Consultant and Mentor to MOI Land, Dalat, Vietnam to setup public participative art projects

Selected Past Positions and Responsibilities:

Curator and cultural diversity Fellowship with Peacock Visul Arts, Aberdeen and Deveron Arts, Huntly, NE Scotland (2010-2011) funded by CREATIVE Scotland.

Researcher of the Asian Art and Performance Consortium ( 2011-2013)

Advisor to ArtHub, an Asian art regranting foundation in Hong Kong (2007 – 2012)

Advisor to 1948 art space, Seri Kembangan (Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia (2008 – 2010)

Curator of the curated section of the Textile Biennale 2009, Kuanas, Lithuania (in 2007)

Advisor to FreeDIMENSIONAL network, for social justice (2006-8)

Advisor to Irish Chinese Culture and Sports Association, Ireland (2007 – 2010)

Advisor to Blue Sun, Independent Art Centre in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (2007 – 2009)

Advisor to Creative World, First Contemporary Art Magazine in Mongolia (2007 – 2009)

Founding Director of NICA, Rangoon - Networking & Initiatives for Culture and the Arts (2002 – 2007)

Advisor to The Ayeyarwaddy Artists Assembly, Rangoon, Burma (2001 -2002)

Advisor to The League of Khmer Artists, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (2000-2001)

Advisor to Organisation + Imagination ( Artist Placement Group), London, UK (1999-2005)

Founding Director and manager of arting, Cologne, Germany (1992 – 1999)

Specialist Critic for Genetic and Reproduction Technology with the Der Gesundheitsladen Koeln, Cologne, Germany (1986 – 1990)

Conducting one-off workshops, consultations and part-time teaching

2019      Teaching MAS modules in Hong Kong, Zurich University of the Arts, Master of Advanced Studies in Art & Society.

                 Educational projects in Yersin University, Dalat, Vietnam.

2018      International MA thesis committee panel, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Invited Expert to teach in Month of Art Practice, Heritage Space, Hanoi

                Convenor of the 3rd international conference & workshop on People-centred Processes: Learning from Conflicts & Failure  3rd Bangmod Creative Community Festival, Thung Khru, Bangkok

2017      Workshop in Zurich University of the Arts, Master of Arts in Fine Arts.

Lecture in Lucerne University of the Arts. Interdicipinary Studies in Design & Arts

Lecture and events with postdocs reserach clusters of the Centre for Comparative studies, University of Lisbon

Lecture and workshop for the MA Arts Management, LaSalle College for the Arts, Singapore

                Lecture for the MA School of Architecture & Arts, King Mongut University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok

Respondent to event on Cultural Policies on Community Arts in Singapore, Institute of Policy Studies, LKY School of Policy Studies.

                 Convenor of the 2nd international conference & workshop on People-centred Processes: From Participation to Collaboration  2nd Bangmod Creative Community Festival, Thung Khru, Bangkok

2016       Convenor of the 1st international conference & workshop on People-centred Processes: Arts, Education & Cross-sector Collaboration, Asia Centre, Bangkok, Phayathai.

                   Class & workshop in the School of Architecture & Arts, King Mongut University of Technology Thonburi and in School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University, Thailand

                   Practical Workshop on People-centred processes on the ground for Buku Jalanan Chow Kit in Onn Jaafar Institute, Kuala Lumpur.

2015         Workshops on Public Participative and Socially Engaged Art for Transactions in the Field, organised by  Lost       Generatio Space, Goethe Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                  Consultation for Community-Engaged Arts: Regional Exchange Meeting & Roundtables, Penang, Malaysia

Consultation and teaching courses on relational and participative processes for the School for Urban-poor,    Dignity for Children Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2014         Consultation and resource building for dislocate, a cultural activist & artist group in Tokyo, Nishi-Ogikubo

2012         Consultant and curator to setup art education, community and public engaged art programme for LokaAhlinn, NGO in Yangon, Myanmar (conducted workshops and research)

2011 -      Art & Research project SCORE in Myanmar (part of the Asian Art and Performance Consortium funded by Academy of Finland)

    -      Curator and teacher for the Open Academy Ulaanbaatar, 2nd phase, funded by Prince Claus Fund, The Netherland

2009         2 days workshop and mentoring activities for participants of the summer semester on collaborative art for Cittadellarte, UNIDEE- University of Idea, Bielle, Italy

-          Workshop as part of the international colloquium for The Festival of Emergent Art on Practice-as-Research for the Central School for Speech and Drama, University of London

-          Curating and teaching 2nd year,1st phase programme of Open Academy Ulaanbaatar with the Fine Arts Institute, Mongolian University for Culture and the Arts and Blue Sun artists group in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia funded by Prince Claus Fund.

2008         Conducting open learning and resource development seminars and workshops for the art communities as part of the Open Academy programme in Hanoi and Hue, Vietnam organised by Dongson Today Foundation, funded by FORD Foundation, Asia.

-          Curating and teaching of the 1st year of the 1st phase programme of Open Academy Ulaanbaatar with the Fine Arts Institute, Mongolian University for Culture and the Arts and Blue Sun artists community in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia funded by Prince Claus Fund.

2006         As one of 3 lead curators chosen by Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) to collaborate with the other 2 chosen to represent Geothe Institute and Indonesia. Assist organizers (ASEF and Goethe Institute) in the selection of participants and creating the programmes for the workshops of The Multi Faceted Curator in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia. Participants are 22 young curators selected from 37 countries from Asean+3 and the European Union. www.goethe.de/curator

-          Conducting the workshop Articulating the Art Encounter: Art Criticism and Writing Workshop in the Singapore Art Museum.

2005         Conducting a workshop on Dialogue in art practices within the frame work of Dialogical and Engaged Art, Bildmuseet, Umea, Sweden

-           Art and Knowledge, Helsinki Art Museum and Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki

Conducting community and photography based public art workshops, publications and reviews.

2011         Fisher, Tony 2011, Radical Democracy Theater, Performance Research, 16:4, 15-26, referencing my photo series Signal from Burma 2007-8

-          Workshops in Open Academy, 2nd phase in Ulaanbaator

2009/10 Cross cultural public art project, Reading the Self and Reading the Others, Dublin

2009         Articles on reading and interpretation of photos written for the Irish Chinese Culture and Sport Association, published in the Sun Emerald Chinese weekly newspaper in Ireland as part of the photography based public participatory art workshop for the cross cultural project Reading the Self, Reading the Others. Published in Chinese + English.

                              November 2009, The Secret Life of Images, pdf 435 KB

                              December 2009, Relationship of Everyday Life, pdf 250 KB

                              December 2009, The Visual Culture of Chinatowns, pdf 192 KB

2007         Wilson, Mick, Autonomy, Agonism an Activist Art: An Interview with Grant Kester, Art Journal, Vol.66, no.3, Fall 2007, USA

                  taide 2 / 07, Finnish art magazine, Jay Koh ja kuuntelemisen taide, Helsinki, 2007

2005         Public Art project "Portraying Ourselves" commissioned by Loennstroem Art Museum, Raumar/ Finland

Selected Bibliography and Reviews

2018         Douglas, A. (2018) ‘Redistributing Power?: A Poetics of Participation in Contemporary Arts’ in Facer, K. and Dunleavy, K. Connected Communities Foundation Series. Bristol: University of Bristol/AHRC Connected Communities Programme.

2015         Reviews in Chinese, English & Malay languages of Art-led Participative Processes: Dialogue and Subjectivity within Performance in the Everyday, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

                  Chu Yuan, Threading Voices through Drawings & Conversations: Voices Pieces, Yangon 2013, sentAp!-A Decade, Ipoh, Malaysia, 2015 pp 29-39

2014         Fiona Whelan, TEN; Territory, Encounter & Negotiation, A critical memoir of a socially engaged artist, Dublin, Ireland




2013         Chu Chu Yuan, Negotiation-as-Active-Knowing: an Approach Evolved from Relational Art Practice, PhD thesis, Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.

2012         Nora A. Taylor and Boreth Ly, editors, Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art: An Anthology, Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University SEAP Press, 2012

-          Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, Factsheet on Collaborative Art – Avenues for Expression for Young People in Multicultural Settings

2011         Grant Kester, The One and the Many: Contemporary Collaborative Art in a Global Context (Duke University Press), 2011

Fisher, Tony 2011, Radical Democracy Theater, Performance Research, 16:4, 15-26, referencing my photo series Signal from Burma 2007-8

2009         Malcolm Miles, Aesthetics in a Time of Emergency, Third Text, 23: 4, 421 – 433

2007         Wilson, Mick, Autonomy, Agonism an Activist Art: An Interview with Grant Kester, Art Journal, Vol.66, no.3, Fall 2007, USA

                  taide 2 / 07, Finnish art magazine, Jay Koh ja kuuntelemisen taide, Helsinki, 2007

2006         PhD’s thesis of Heather Delday, On the Edge research programme, Gray’s School of Art, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.

-           Public Moment, publication of Artist Forum International, Seoul 2006

2004         Grant H. Kester, Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art, University of California Press, 2004, USA Translated in Chinese and published by Wu Ma Li, Taiwan.

2003         Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985, edited by Zoya Kocur and Simon Leung, Blackwell Publishing 2003, New York/ USA, REPRINT 2012

2001         histories identities technologies spaces – Singapore Art Today, Nokia Singapore Art.

2000         KunstForum Band 149, Kunst und Kapital: metaphorische Symbiose und politische Kritik, Juergen Raap, Cologne, Germany

1999         Grant Kester, The Art of Listening (and of Being Heard): Jay Koh's Discursive Networks, Third Text, Vol. 13, Issue 47, pp 19 – 26,  Special Sum. Edition 1999, ed. Sean Cubitt, UK

1998         Kalligram, 3/98, Budapest, Hungary

1997         Arte (Europe art TV channel), a film from Astrid Heinrich "Dies ist keine Banane” 26' 29''

1993         In Between, publication to Turkey’s inargural contribution to 45th Venice Bienniale.

-          November TV "Art Cologne”, Cologne / Germany and Bijutso Techno, Japan

Selected paper presentations and panel discussions

2016         Book’s talk, LaSalle College of the Arts, Faculty of the Creative Inductries, Singapore

2015         Panel speaker for Spaced 2 symposium, Western Australia Art Museum, Perth

                  Presentation to Dialogue & Empathy, VPA, UNESCO-National Institute of Education, Singapore

                  Presentation on Activism and Communities, Field Trip Project Asia, NIE & National Library

2014         Speaker, sympsoium dislocate, Ogikubo, Zempukuji, Tokyo

2013         Presentation of Cervantes Public Art, Spaced, Perth.

2012         Experts meeting - Revisiting Cultural Diversity and the Art Education System, Creating 010, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Rotterdam

-                Speaker in OpenHere, Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin

-                Speaker at the ResArtis 13th General Meeting 2012, TOKYO, U THANT conference hall, United Nation University and Tokyo Women Plaza

-                Researcher and evaluator to events of Microresidence Program, Youkobo Art Space, Tokyo

2009         Speaker in the symposium on Public Art, GradCAM (PhD programme of National College for Art and Design, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ulster University and Institute for Art Design and Technology) and visiting lecturer with MAVIS/IADT in Dublin

2008         Present the paper, Divides, Narratives and Relational Processes in Moldova in Two Scenarios organised by Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

2007         Speaker in the specialist panel on Working in Public in the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Organised by Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen

-                Symposium and Retreat of FreeDimensional in Breuninger Stiftung, Wasan Island, Toronto, Canada

-                Lecture in Barcelona, Pati Manning, Barcelona Provincial Council, Mediating across Divides and in between Layers at the “Culture and Conflict Prevention” seminar commissioned by ARCADE (Awareness Raising on Culture and Development in Europe) and ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development)

-                      Performances in Everyday Public: Engaged Art Practice commissioned by CADRE (Centre for Art, Design, Research and Experimentation), School of Art & Design, University of Wolverhampton, UK

2006         Research trip and the Visiting Artist/Cutrator/Lecturer programme of University of California San Diego, meetings with artist groups in Los Angeles and Tijuana. 

-                 Art activities in Asia at the Mexico: Gateway to the Americas, Mexico City organized by the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Mexico and ResArtis

-                Research and presentation in Arts Council of Mongolia to set up a resource development programme for art and culture in Ulaanbaatar

-                Presentation and documentation show Public Moment in Artist Forum International, 2006 in Seoul, and symposium for "Artist Mobility" in Gwangju Biennial, Gwangju.

2005         Research, seminars in CityArts, Dublin, Ireland for a public art project and an intercultural project. 

-                Panel speaker in Symposium "Art and Social Intervention: the Incidental Person" in Tate Britain, London

-                 Setting up an Uncomfortable Site within the panel on Intervention in Performance Studies international #11, Providence, Brown University, Rhodes Island, USA

-                Presentation in Res Artist#10, Sharing Cultures and Social Changes, panel "Curating Differences", House of the Cultures of the World and Ufa Fabrik Berlin International Cultural Centre, Berlin, Germany

-                Presentation in Living Art Museum, Reykjavik and research on Icelandic art scene hosted by CIA.is(Center for Icelandic Art), Iceland

                  Presentation Art and Knowledge-Encounter in Intercultural art projects, Helsinki Art Museum and Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki/ Finland

                  Presentation about IFIMA, ARTCONCEPT, St. Petersburg, Russia

Presentation in Asian Artists' Mobility, Taiwan artist village assoc. Tainan and Taipei, Taiwan



Selected Publication List


2019        - Forthcoming chapter in Third Text special issue: The (Post)Colony and the Common: Collective Creativity, Agency and Emancipation in a Global Context. Editor Carlos Garrido Castellano, PhD, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Universidade de Lisboa

                  - Forthcoming book, as Chief Editor, Reader on Praxis/es; Public, Socially Engaged and Community in Southeast Asia.

2016           - essay reprint of Encounters in engagement: Investigating public engaged art in Singapore in the book Documents of Contemporary Art in Singapore: Histories, Practices, Interventions, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Singapore, co-authorship with Chu ChuYuan 

-         Working ’with’- not ’for’ or ’about’ - Others , an essay for UNSEEN-Constellation, BRACK, Singapore

                  - 2nd edition: Art-led Participative Processes: Dialogue and Subjectivity within Performance in the Everyday, SRID/Gerakbudaya, Kuala Lumpur

2015        Book publication: Art-led Participative Processes: Dialogue and Subjectivity within Performance in the Everyday, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland

2010        Artist's Research Text on Methodology (academic essay) in the book:

Kantonen, Lea (ed.),  Ankaraa ja myttuntoista kuuntelua. Keskustelevaa

kirjoitusta paikkasidonnaisesta taiteesta. Kuvataideakatemia, 2010, Helsinki. (The Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki)

-               A Virtuoso with Multiple Faces co-author with Chu Yuan. Published in Asia Art Archive Newsletter May 2010

-              Intro to Dialogical Practice is the full version of the essay Are u a SPY?

Published in Visual Artists Ireland newsletter May/June 2010

2007         Across Divides and Beliefs, An essay as one of the 3 lead curators in the Multifaceted Curator Symposium in Bandung and Jakarta organised by Goethe Institute and Asia-Europe Foundation, March 2006 published as a CD in 2007

2006         Locating the Mobile Artist: from Cultural Diversities to Local Specificities in Residencies: Spaces + Artists + Managers + Communities, Berlin, UFA Fabrik,, RES ARTIS and Asia Europe Foundation. Pg.18-26, co-authorship with Chu ChuYuan  

2005         Politics of the Self in the Negotiation of Soilidarities in Locus: Interventions in Art Practice, Manila, a PROJECT OF Lopez Memorial Museum and Pananaw ng Sinnig Bayan Inc, National Commission for Culture and the Arts

-           City Transformers 2002 Gdansk, Danzig, Poland, Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk. Pg.15-19, co-author: CHU, Chu Yuan, Published in English and Polish

2004         Potholes and Corners: Intentions, Desires and Constraints of Cross and Intercultural Activities in Links, Platform and Networks, Publications of Asia Art Archive (AAA), Hong Kong and International Association of Art Critics Hong Kong (AIAC/HK), Hong Kong, Published in Chinese, English, 2007 in Vietnamese in the The National Culture and Arts Magazine ( Tạp chí Văn hóa Nghệ thuật), Hanoi, 2007, NR.5

-           Restricted Contemporaries :Art Practices in present Myanmar, Published under the pseudonym of Jaera Han in The Art Magazine, Singapore, May 2004

-           Encounters in Engagement: Investigating Public Engaged Art in Singapore, Section One-Public Engaged Art, focas #4 journal, (forum on contemporary art & society) Singapore, Pg. 38 – 52, co-author: Chu Chu Yuan. Editorial for Section One, Pg 24 – 221

2002         Vasan Sitthiket, son activisme et le groupe Ukabat, Inter 81, art actuel, Quebec, Canada 2002. Published in French

-           Art Activism and Cross-cultural Projects in Thailand and Myanmar: The Need to Open up Structures for Engagement., focas (forum on contemporary art and society) #2 journal, The Necessary Stage, Singapore, Pg.115 – 130, Published in English, 2007 in Vietnamese, online version Part 1 and Part 2

2001         Engaged Art in Public Spaces / Sztuka zaangazowana w przestreniach publicznych. This seminar was given in 2001 in Gdansk and a year later "City Transformer" took place. It is published in English and Polish in the City Transformer's catalog.

-          M-spaces, histories identities technologies spaces,  Singapore Art Today, Nokia Singapore Art.

2000         "58", commissioned essay for catalogue of Station to Station: Images of the World, Danish Center for Culture and Development (DCCD), 2000 Denmark, Copenhagen, The printed versions are in Danish and English. 58 referred to the 58 Chinese persons from Southern China found dead in a refrigeration truck entering Dover from Oostende on 18th June 2000

1999         Critical Art Practice, U-Kabat Magazine, Bangkok presented in the Foreign Correspondence Club Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand

1998         Viewpoint-Art and Social Context, Art journal, Dhaka, Bangladesh

1995         Publication of project A Summer Fairy Tale, Cologne

1993         Publication of project Auszeit der Demokratie, Cologne